The film follows a group of wealthy and entitled men who are part of a secret hunting society known as the Hunt Club. They regularly lure women to their secluded island with the promise of winning a large cash prize in a hunting competition. However, the true nature of the competition is revealed when the women are released into the woods and become the hunted prey for the men.

The Hunt Club members view the women as nothing more than objects for their entertainment and believe they are entitled to do whatever they want to them. However, things take a turn for the worse when they select a group of girls who are not only skilled at survival but also possess a deep desire for vengeance.

As the women turn the tables on the Hunt Club, the men soon realize that they have met their match and must fight for their lives against an unexpected foe. The film delves into themes of power, privilege, and revenge, ultimately highlighting the resilience and strength of women in the face of adversity.

Amidst the intense action and suspense, the film also explores the underlying psychological motives of the Hunt Club members and how their twisted sense of entitlement ultimately leads to their downfall.

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