House of 9 is a psychological thriller movie released in 2005. The film focuses on nine strangers who wake up in a house with no memories and no way out. They soon discover that they are locked in the house and must participate in a deadly game to win their freedom and $5 million.

The nine strangers include an ex-con, a nurse, a gambler, a soldier, a singer, a dancer, a teacher, a doctor, and a convict. Each of them has a different personality and background, and they must work together and solve the riddles presented to them to survive.

The voice on the PA is the game's host, who guides the strangers through the challenges. They are given a clue each day and must solve it to unlock the next room. However, if they fail to solve the clue, one of them will be killed.

As the days pass, each stranger reveals their deepest secrets and hidden pasts, and tensions rise as distrust and suspicion take hold. The game becomes more complicated, and the group splinters, with each individual fighting for their own survival.

The film's ending is unexpected, with a twist that leaves the audience guessing until the very end.

House of 9 is a gripping and suspenseful movie that explores the darker side of human nature, revealing the lengths people will go to when faced with desperation and the possibility of death.

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