Hotel Rwanda is a 2004 historical drama film directed by Terry George. The film is based on the real-life story of Paul Rusesabagina, a hotel manager who saved the lives of over a thousand refugees during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. The film stars Don Cheadle as Rusesabagina, Sophie Okonedo as his wife, Tatiana, and Joaquin Phoenix as Jack Daglish, a journalist who helps Rusesabagina.

The film begins with Rusesabagina living a comfortable life as the manager of the Hôtel des Mille Collines in Kigali, Rwanda. However, his life is turned upside down when the Hutu militia begins a genocide against the Tutsi people. Rusesabagina takes in refugees from the violence, housing them in the hotel at great risk to himself and his family.

As the situation in Rwanda becomes more dangerous, Rusesabagina uses his connections with the Hutu military officials to keep his guests safe. He pays bribes, uses his charm, and even buys alcohol and food for the soldiers to prevent them from attacking the hotel.

However, Rusesabagina's efforts are not without risks. He is threatened by the militia and his own life is in danger. The United Nations and other countries do very little to help the situation, leaving Rusesabagina and his guests to fend for themselves.

In the end, Rusesabagina and his guests survive the genocide, but not without significant emotional and physical scars. The film ends with Rusesabagina and his family being rescued by the Belgian army and flown to safety.

Hotel Rwanda was critically acclaimed and received numerous awards and nominations, including three Academy Award nominations. The film is a powerful and emotional account of a man's struggle to do what is right in the face of overwhelming evil.

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