Hostiles is a 2017 American Western film, directed and written by Scott Cooper. The film stars Christian Bale, Rosamund Pike, Wes Studi and Ben Foster. It is set in 1892 and follows the story of Captain Joseph J. Blocker (Christian Bale), a veteran of the American Indian Wars, who is tasked with escorting a dying Cheyenne chief, Yellow Hawk (Wes Studi), and his family from New Mexico to Montana in order to return them to their homeland.

Blocker is initially hesitant to take on this task, as Yellow Hawk was responsible for killing several of his comrades in the past. However, Blocker is soon forced to confront his own prejudices and the injustices committed against Native Americans by the United States government.

Along the journey, the group is joined by Rosalie Quaid (Rosamund Pike), a woman whose entire family was brutally murdered by a group of Comanches. Together, they face many dangers, including attacks by hostile tribes, harsh weather conditions and their own personal demons.

As they travel further, Blocker and Yellow Hawk develop a mutual respect for each other and begin to find common ground in their shared experiences of war and loss. The film culminates in a powerful and emotional final scene, in which the characters come to realize the importance of forgiveness and reconciliation.

Overall, Hostiles is a melancholic and beautifully shot film that explores themes of humanity, prejudice and redemption, and provides a powerful commentary on the history of the treatment of Native Americans in the United States.

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