Hospitality is a suspenseful thriller film that revolves around the character of Donna (Emmanuelle Chriqui), who runs a bed and breakfast in a remote location. Donna has a son, Jimmy (Conner McVicker), and a unique history, as she used to have ties with a gang and has served time in prison. She has escaped the past to start a new life with her son and is trying to make it successful.

One night, a mysterious stranger by the name of Cam (Sam Trammell) arrives at the bed and breakfast seeking refuge. Donna initially welcomes Cam with open arms, not realizing that he is a man on the run from a dangerous gang. As Donna begins to piece together the danger that surrounds Cam, she must fight to protect her son and her new life from those who threaten it.

Cam's presence brings a variety of complications and secrets into the peaceful life that Donna has built for herself and Jimmy. The tension ratchets up as Donna tries to keep hidden both her criminal past and Cam's true identity from the dangerous men who are hot on his heels.

The film explores themes of redemption, sacrifice, and love in the midst of danger. Emmanuelle Chriqui delivers a powerful performance as Donna, a woman who is haunted by the mistakes of her past and must now face her demons to protect her future. Overall, Hospitality is a tense and gripping thriller that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats till the end.

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