After his mother makes him promise not to get married on her deathbed, Jack Singer (played by Nicolas Cage) develops a series of psychological blocks to commitment. Despite his girlfriend, Betsy (played by Sarah Jessica Parker), constantly urging him to get married, Jack is unable to overcome his fear of losing someone he loves.

Finally, after several years of dating, Betsy gives Jack an ultimatum - either they get married or she will leave him. In a moment of desperation, Jack agrees to get married in Las Vegas, hoping that the spontaneity of the situation will help him overcome his fear.

However, things take a turn for the worse when a wealthy gambler named Tommy Korman (played by James Caan) arranges for Jack to lose $65K in a high-stakes poker game. Korman offers to forgive Jack's debt on one condition - he gets to spend a weekend with Betsy.

Desperate to get his debt cleared, Jack reluctantly agrees, and Korman whisks Betsy away to Hawaii. Jack then flies to Hawaii to try and win back his fiancée, but Korman, determined to have Betsy all to himself, goes to great lengths to keep them apart.

As the weekend progresses, Jack uses his wit and charm to outsmart Korman and win Betsy back. In the end, Jack overcomes his fear of commitment and marries Betsy in a beautiful ceremony surrounded by loved ones.

Honeymoon in Vegas is a heartwarming romantic comedy that explores the idea of taking chances in love and overcoming personal obstacles for the people we care about.

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