Home Sweet Home Alone is a comedy movie that is a reboot of the iconic Home Alone franchise. The story follows Max Mercer, a 10-year-old boy who is accidentally left behind by his family during the holidays. While his parents travel to Japan for work, Max is forced to fend for himself and look after their home.

Things take a turn when a married couple, played by Rob Delaney and Ellie Kemper, learns about a valuable heirloom that Max's family owns. They believe that stealing it will help them get out of debt. So, they decide to break into Max's home during the holidays to steal the heirloom. However, Max is not going down without a fight.

Max sets up a series of booby traps to catch the burglars and protect his home. As the burglars try to enter the house, they are met with various obstacles and funny mishaps. The hilarious cat-and-mouse game between Max and the burglars provides for some of the funniest and most memorable moments in the movie.

Throughout the movie, Max also learns the importance of family and the value of spending time with loved ones. In the end, Max and his family are reunited, and the burglars are brought to justice. Overall, Home Sweet Home Alone is a heartwarming and hilarious movie that combines the iconic elements of the original films with a modern twist.

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