Home Movie is a psychological horror film that focuses on the lives of the Poe family. As the synopsis suggests, the film explores the gradual shift of the children from adorable and playful to malicious and bloodthirsty. The movie is shot entirely in a found-footage style, where the audience views the story through the PoE family's home videos.

At the beginning of the film, Reverend Poe, his wife, and their twins move from the bustling city life to an isolated farmhouse. The family seems to be happy, and the children, Jack and Emily, are shown as typical 10-year-olds who love to play and have fun.

As the holidays and special events are documented through the Reverend's camera, the audience can see a sinister change in the behaviors of the children. They begin to torture animals, their parents, and eventually, their baby brother.

Their malicious acts are seen through the videos, which become more disturbing by the minute. The parents try to attribute their children's behavior to their overactive imagination and typical childhood behavior, but as the movie progresses, it becomes clear that something more sinister is at play.

As Valentine's Day approaches, the children's sadism turns into a lust for human blood. The film reaches its disturbing climax as the family struggles to survive the homicidal behavior of their own children.

Overall, Home Movie provides a disturbing, gruesome, and genuinely frightening experience for the audience that is well-crafted and terrifying to watch.

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