Holocaust 2000 is a psychological horror film that tells the story of Robert Caine, an American executive in charge of a nuclear power plant in the Middle East. Caine is proud of his work and believes that the facility he manages is essential to the development of the region. However, his life takes a turn for the worse when he discovers that his son, Angel, is actually the Anti-Christ.

Angel is determined to bring about the end of the world, and to do so, he plans to use his father's nuclear power plant to trigger a devastating explosion. Caine is faced with a difficult choice: he must either stop his son from carrying out his plan or risk the destruction of the entire planet.

As Caine confronts his son, he finds himself plagued by visions and nightmares. He meets a mysterious woman who reveals to him that the power plant was built on the site of an ancient tomb that holds the key to stopping the Apocalypse. Caine must race against time to unlock the secrets of the tomb and prevent his son from unleashing a catastrophic event that will bring about the end of the world.

Holocaust 2000 was released in 1977 and was directed by Alberto De Martino. The film stars Kirk Douglas as Robert Caine, Simon Ward as Angel, and Agostina Belli as Sara Golan. Despite its intriguing premise, the film received mixed reviews and was not a commercial success. However, it has since gained a cult following among horror movie fans.

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