Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers is a 1988 horror-comedy film directed by Fred Olen Ray. The movie follows Jack Chandler, a private detective in Los Angeles, as he investigates the disappearance of Samantha, a teenage runaway. Chandler's investigation leads him to an underground cult that worships an ancient Egyptian goddess of sexuality and fertility, Ishtar.

The cult's leader, known as "The Master," promises his followers eternal life and sexual pleasure in exchange for human sacrifice. The cult's members include a group of chainsaw-wielding prostitutes, who are ready to kill anyone who gets in their way. As Chandler delves deeper into the cult's activities, he discovers that Samantha has become a part of the cult and is plotting her revenge against The Master.

The film's main cast includes Linnea Quigley as Samantha and Michelle Bauer as the leader of the chainsaw hookers. The film prominently features nudity and gore, with scenes of chainsaw dismemberment and ritual sacrifice. Despite its low budget, the film also includes references to classic horror films like Bride of Frankenstein and Night of the Living Dead.

Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers has become a cult classic among horror and B-movie fans, known for its over-the-top gore and exploitation elements. The film's tongue-in-cheek humor and campy performances have also earned it a place as a beloved cult favorite.

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