Holes In The Sky: The Sean Miller Story is a documentary film that explores the mysterious disappearance of Sean Miller, a young man who went missing for four days in July 2013. The film crew follows the events that led up to his disappearance and the eventual discovery of what happened to him.

The documentary begins by introducing Sean Miller, a 23-year-old recent college graduate who had everything going for him. He was smart, ambitious, and had a bright future ahead of him. However, on the night of July 12th, 2013, Sean disappeared without a trace, leaving his family and friends worried and desperate for answers.

The film crew interviews Sean's family and friends, who recount the events leading up to his disappearance. They talk about his last known whereabouts and the people he was with on the night he vanished. The footage also includes interviews with local law enforcement and search and rescue teams who were involved in the search for Sean.

As the documentary progresses, the film crew discovers that Sean had been struggling with mental health issues for some time before his disappearance. They delve into his medical history and speak to his doctors and therapists, trying to uncover what might have led him to vanish.

Finally, after seven years, the documentary crew uncovers the truth about Sean's disappearance. The film reveals that Sean had wandered off into the wilderness and had a transformative experience that changed the way he saw the world. He had gained a new perspective on life, and the film shows how his experience inspired him to go on to help others in difficult situations.

Overall, Holes In The Sky: The Sean Miller Story is a moving and thought-provoking documentary that sheds light on mental health issues and the transformative power of personal experiences.

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