Hiruko the Goblin is a horror-comedy film that was released in 1991 and it was directed by Shinya Tsukamoto. The movie is based on a manga series of the same name that was created by Daijiro Morohoshi. The film is known for its dark humor, creative gore effects, and surreal atmosphere.

The movie takes place in a Japanese high school that was built on top of a gate to the demon world. Hiruko is a goblin who is sent to Earth on a mission to gather human heads to use as a sacrifice for the demon world. He is a skilled swordsman and uses his abilities to swiftly behead students. He then uses these heads to create demonic spider-like creatures that he controls.

The film follows Hieda, an archaeology professor who is investigating the legend of the demon gate and Masao, a student who is experiencing supernatural disturbances. They soon discover the gruesome truth behind the student deaths and embark on a mission to stop Hiruko before he can complete his mission.

The movie blends horror, comedy, and fantasy elements to create a unique and entertaining experience. The practical gore effects and creature designs are impressive and add to the surreal atmosphere of the movie. The film also explores themes of Japanese folklore, urban legends, and the dangers of blindly following tradition.

Overall, Hiruko the Goblin is a cult classic that showcases the creativity and imagination of Japanese horror cinema. It is a must-see for fans of the genre and anyone looking for a unique and entertaining horror experience.

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