High-Ballin' is a 1978 action drama film directed by Peter Carter and starring Peter Fonda, Jerry Reed, and Helen Shaver. The film follows the story of "Iron" Duke (played by Fonda), a veteran truck driver who runs his own independent trucking business. However, his livelihood and that of his friends in the business is threatened by a wave of hijackings orchestrated by King Carroll (played by Reed), a powerful trucker boss who wants to drive everyone else out of the game.

In response to the hijackings, Duke and his friend Rane (played by Reed) decide to take matters into their own hands by fighting back against Carroll and his henchmen. Along the way, they recruit other truckers to join their cause and engage in high-speed chases, shootouts, and other action-packed scenes.

As the conflict intensifies, Duke and Rane find themselves up against not only Carroll but also corrupt law enforcement officials who are in league with him. Despite the odds against them, Duke and his comrades remain determined to take down Carroll and restore their independence in the trucking business.

High-Ballin' features impressive stunt driving and action sequences, as well as strong performances from its cast. It was generally well-received by critics and remains a cult favorite among fans of 1970s action cinema.

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