High School Musical 2 follows the story of Troy, Gabriella, Sharpay, Ryan, Chad, and Taylor as they enjoy their summer vacation together. Troy and Gabriella plan to spend their summer working at the Lava Springs Country Club, where Sharpay's family is known to visit often.

Sharpay, who has a huge crush on Troy, manipulates him into taking a job at the country club with her, so she can have him all to herself. Troy, blinded by the promises of a better job and a scholarship, fails to see Sharpay's true intentions and ends up spending more time with her and less with Gabriella.

Meanwhile, Sharpay and her brother Ryan plan to win the Talent Show at the country club by any means necessary, even if it means sabotaging the Wildcat's chances of winning. Troy ultimately realizes Sharpay's motives and rushes back to Gabriella, reuniting with his true love.

In the end, the Wildcats put on an incredible performance at the Talent Show, impressing the audience and winning the competition. The movie ends with the characters preparing for their senior year of high school and wondering what the future has in store for them.

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