The movie Heroic Losers (La odisea de los giles in Spanish) takes place in the midst of Argentina's economic crisis in 2001. The story revolves around a small community of farmers and blue-collar workers in a fictitious town called Villa Alsina. They all have their own businesses and are struggling to keep them afloat. But when their banks refuse to give them loans, they come up with a plan to invest their own savings in a cooperative business venture.

They pool their money together and purchase a silo in a nearby town, which they plan to use to store and sell their crops. However, their dreams are shattered when the government implements the Corralito, freezing all bank accounts in the country. As a result, the group loses their entire life savings and the silo is seized by the corrupt bank manager who scammed them.

Desperate to get their money back, the group decides to take matters into their own hands and hatch a plan to rob the bank. They enlist the help of a retired soccer player who is an expert in explosives, and a group of misfits from the town. Together they embark on a comical caper to get their money back and teach their corrupt enemy a lesson.

The movie is a heartwarming story of community resilience and determination in the face of hardship. It stars Ricardo Darín and a talented Argentine ensemble cast and has won critical acclaim for its script, acting, and direction.

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