The movie HERO is a biographical drama that chronicles the life of Ulric Cross, a Caribbean war hero, judge and diplomat whose remarkable journey spanned across some of the most defining moments of the 20th century. The movie is directed by Frances-Anne Solomon and stars Trinidadian actor Nickolai Salcedo as Ulric Cross.

The movie takes the audience on a journey through Cross's life, from his childhood in colonial Trinidad to his time as a navigator in the RAF during WW2, through to his experiences as a Pan-Africanist, lawyer and diplomat in Africa, the UK and the Caribbean. His remarkable personal and professional achievements are highlighted, including his role in supporting African independence movements, his involvement in the Black Power movement in the UK, his appointment as a judge in Ghana and his contribution to the establishment of the International Criminal Court.

Throughout the movie, Cross is portrayed as a complex and multi-faceted character who constantly grapples with issues of race, identity and belonging. He is also shown as a bold and courageous leader who challenges the status quo and fights for justice and equality.

HERO is a timely and poignant portrayal of an often-overlooked black hero whose contributions to world history have been largely unrecognized. The movie serves as a reminder that black history is global history and that the struggles and triumphs of individuals like Ulric Cross continue to shape our present reality.

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