Hero at Large is a comedy-drama film released in 1980, directed by Martin Davidson. The film stars John Ritter as Steve Nichols, a struggling actor who is hired to promote a new superhero film called Captain Avenger. While wearing the Captain Avenger costume at a convenience store, he stops a robbery in progress and becomes a local hero.

Inspired by his newfound fame, Steve decides to continue pretending to be a superhero and starts patrolling the streets of New York City. He quickly realizes that being a real superhero is not as easy as it seems. He gets into various situations that put him in danger, including a fight with a group of muggers, a car chase, and even being kidnapped by a mobster who mistakes him for someone else.

As Steve's popularity grows, he catches the attention of a beautiful news reporter named J.J. (Anne Archer), who becomes interested in his story. However, J.J. soon becomes suspicious of Steve's claims of being a hero and starts investigating his true identity.

Meanwhile, the creators of Captain Avenger, worried about Steve's actions, decide to terminate his contract. This leads to a climactic showdown in which Steve must prove to both the public and the creators of Captain Avenger that he's a real hero.

Hero at Large is a charming, light-hearted film with a great cast and a fun premise. John Ritter delivers a memorable portrayal of the earnest and likable Steve Nichols, and Anne Archer shines as the skeptical but supportive J.J.

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