Hello, Mrs. Money

Comedy  China 

Hello, Mrs. Money is a Chinese comedy film released in 2018. The movie revolves around a rich woman named Mrs. Money, who is married to a wealthy businessman and lives a luxurious life in Shanghai. She is obsessed with money and spends her life accumulating more wealth.

One day, she meets a young employee named Xiao Xiao, who she hires to go to the countryside and find her long-lost granddaughter. Mrs. Money promises to pay Xiao Xiao a huge amount of money if he succeeds in finding the girl.

Xiao Xiao sets off on his mission and visits various villages in the countryside while coming across some hilarious situations along the way. He finally finds the girl and brings her back to Mrs. Money, who is delighted to have her granddaughter back in her life.

However, things take a turn when the girl's father turns up and claims that Mrs. Money's husband had an affair with his wife years ago, and his daughter is actually Mrs. Money's husband's child. This revelation leads to a comic series of events, including a DNA test, a bodyguard being hired, and an elaborate lie being told to cover up the truth.

In the end, everything is resolved, and Mrs. Money learns a valuable lesson about the true meaning of family and money. The movie ends on a happy note, with Mrs. Money embracing her newfound family with open arms.

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