Hell Drivers is a British film directed by Cy Endfield and released in 1957. The film follows an ex-convict named Tom Yately, who is trying to turn his life around and get himself back on the straight and narrow. In order to do this, he takes a job as a truck driver for a crooked company that specializes in hauling gravel.

Tom quickly learns that the company is not exactly on the up-and-up. The drivers are forced to race each other to deliver their loads on time, often at reckless speeds that put their lives in danger. If they fail to make their deliveries, they are penalized with fines that eat into their already meager salaries.

As Tom builds relationships with his fellow drivers, he discovers that many of them are also ex-cons like him, trying to make a fresh start. But the company's cutthroat practices make it impossible for anyone to get ahead, and soon Tom is drawn into a dangerous web of deceit and corruption.

The tension in the film builds as Tom and his fellow drivers struggle to stay alive and stay one step ahead of the evil company boss who is determined to crush their spirits and steal their hard-earned wages. The climax of the film comes in a thrilling truck race that tests the limits of their skills and courage.

Overall, Hell Drivers is a gripping drama that tackles issues of class, justice, and redemption. It features a talented cast of actors, including Stanley Baker as Tom Yately, and a memorable score by composer Hubert Clifford. The film is a classic of its era, and a must-see for anyone interested in British cinema of the 1950s.

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