Hell Comes to Frogtown is a post-apocalyptic science fiction action-comedy film released in 1988. The film was directed by Donald G. Jackson and R.J. Kizer and stars professional wrestler "Rowdy" Roddy Piper as Hell and Sandahl Bergman as the female lead Spangle. The film was both a critical and commercial failure when it was initially released but has since gained a cult following.

The film begins with Hell being arrested by the female-dominated government for his reputation as a notorious womanizer. He is then forcibly conscripted by the government's Secret Service to help in a mission to rescue a group of fertile women who have been kidnapped by the mutants that live in Frogtown. Frogtown is a contaminated wasteland that is home to mutants, including the frog-like leader Toady, who is responsible for the abduction of the women.

To ensure Hell's compliance, he is fitted with an electronic chastity belt, which will explode if he tries to escape. Alongside Spangle, Hell sets out on the mission, infiltrating Frogtown's harem to locate the women. The group manages to rescue the women, but Hell is captured by Toady, who plans to use him to impregnate the women and create a hybrid race of mutants.

In the final act, Hell escapes from Toady's clutches and confronts him in a climactic battle, ultimately defeating him and destroying Frogtown. Along the way, Hell also manages to woo Spangle and is granted freedom from his electronic chastity belt, before riding off into the sunset with his new love interest.

The film is known for its tongue-in-cheek humor, unusual plot, and low-budget special effects. Despite its initial failure, it has since gained a cult following and is regarded by many as a classic B-movie.

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