Heavy Metal 2000 is a science fiction animated film released in 2000, directed by Michael Coldewey and Michel Lemire, and produced by Kevin Eastman and Jacques Pettigrew. The film is a sequel to the 1981 film Heavy Metal.

The story follows a miner named Tyler, who discovers a shard of what is believed to be the Loc-Nar, a powerful and evil orb that possesses those who come into contact with it. Tyler becomes possessed by the orb and develops an insatiable hunger for power and immortality.

Tyler travels to a planet called Eden, known for its restorative properties that can grant immortality. Tyler destroys most of the space colony on the planet and kidnaps a beautiful young woman named Kerrie.

Kerrie's sister, Julie, sets out on a mission to rescue her and seek revenge against Tyler. Along the way, she encounters a warrior named Odin, who helps her in her quest. Julie and Odin team up and fight their way through Tyler's army of robotic drones and face Tyler himself in a final battle.

In the end, Tyler is defeated, and the Loc-Nar shard is destroyed. Julie and Odin return to Eden, where Kerrie is saved and reunited with her sister. The film ends with Julie and Odin sharing a romantic moment as the planet of Eden heals itself.

The film features an all-star cast with the voices of Michael Ironside as Tyler, Julie Strain as Julie, and Billy Idol as Odin. The film also features a soundtrack with heavy metal bands such as Pantera, Monster Magnet, and Queensrÿche.

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