In Heathers, the central character is Veronica Sawyer, a high school student who wants to be part of the popular crowd. However, she becomes disillusioned with them after they bully and ostracize her best friend, Martha "Dumptruck" Dunnstock. Veronica meets a charismatic rebel named J.D., who challenges her desire to fit in and teaches her a dark and twisted way to navigate the social hierarchy of their high school. Together, they carry out a series of fake suicides and murders, pinning the blame on the popular kids.

As their plan spirals out of control, Veronica realizes the true nature of J.D.'s intentions and tries to stop him before he can carry out a massacre at their school's pep rally. Heathers is a dark comedy that satirizes the cruelty and superficiality of high school cliques while delving into themes of alienation, identity, and morality. The film stars Winona Ryder as Veronica, Christian Slater as J.D., and Shannen Doherty, Lisanne Falk, and Kim Walker as the titular Heathers.

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