Heartbreakers is a 2001 comedy film directed by David Mirkin and starring Sigourney Weaver, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Ray Liotta, Jason Lee, and Gene Hackman. The film follows a mother-daughter duo, Max and Page Connors (played by Weaver and Hewitt), who con men out of their money by marrying them and then staging fake cheating scenarios and divorcing them for large settlements.

The film begins with Max and Page pulling off a con on a wealthy tobacco tycoon named William Tensy (played by Hackman). After Max divorces him for a large settlement, the two move on to their next con, targeting a casino owner named Dean Cumanno (played by Liotta). They plan to have Max marry him, but Page begins to fall for Dean and complicates the plan.

Meanwhile, Max's ex-husband, whom she divorced and took a large settlement from, begins investigating her, leading to a subplot of the film. Additionally, Page's love interest, a bartender named Jack (played by Lee), becomes suspicious of her and her mother's actions.

As the cons become more complex, the mother-daughter duo begins to encounter obstacles and tensions arise between them. Eventually, Max and Page must decide whether their bond as a family is more important than the money they can make from their grift.

Heartbreakers received mixed reviews from critics upon its release but was a commercial success, grossing over $73 million worldwide. The film is known for its strong ensemble cast and comedic performances, particularly from Weaver and Hewitt.

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