"Heart and Souls" is a 1993 American fantasy-comedy film directed by Ron Underwood. The film stars Robert Downey Jr. as Thomas Reilly, a businessman who, as a child, was accompanied by four ghosts who died in a bus accident while on their way to protect him from harm. The ghosts include Harrison (Charles Grodin), a former aspiring singer; Milo (Tom Sizemore), a tough-guy; Penny (Alfre Woodard), a single mother; and Julia (Kyra Sedgwick), a young girl with a love for playing the piano.

As the story unfolds, the ghosts reveal to Thomas that they were his guardian angels during childhood and that they have a particular purpose for joining the afterlife. They want him to help them resolve their unfinished business on earth, which will enable them to finally move on from their purgatory state.

Thomas initially rejects the offer, but after spending time with the ghosts, he starts to understand their pain and regrets. Slowly, he becomes involved in their affairs and tries to help them sort out their unfinished business. Thomas’ involvement leads to a range of comic and emotional situations. As they move closer to resolution, the ghosts' time with Thomas begins to wind down, and Thomas must confront his own unfinished business, facing the possibility of losing them forever.

The four ghosts provide a mix of humor and heart, with their stories and personalities evolving throughout the film. "Heart and Souls" is a charming and heartwarming movie that explores the theme of redemption and finding closure in life. It poses questions about death, the afterlife, and the purpose of our existence, and offering a message of hope, love, and acceptance to the audience.

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