Headhunter is a thriller film released in 1988, directed by Francis Schaeffer and starring Wayne Crawford, Kay Lenz, and Steve Kanaly. The movie follows the story of Jake Barnes, a Miami police detective who begins to have an affair with his female partner, Diana, after finding out that his wife, Beth, has a female lover.

Meanwhile, a voodoo demon known as the "Eshu" has arrived in Miami and begun decapitating members of the Nigerian community. The possession of others, including Beth, is also rampant—leading to a deeper investigation into the demon's activities.

As the investigation deepens, Jake finds himself battling both his personal and professional problems—particularly as both his wife and his partner come under threat from the magical being. Alongside his partner, Jake works to uncover the truth behind the demon's presence and his suspicions that it is related to his wife's infidelity.

The movie takes audiences on a journey through the world of African mysticism, creating a suspenseful atmosphere that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end. The tale of love, betrayal, and supernatural forces makes for an exciting watch, and audiences are left with a haunting sense of dread as the movie concludes.

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