Headed South for Christmas is a heartwarming family drama directed by Travis Breedlove. The movie follows the story of a troubled teenager, Alexis, and her single father, Jason, who embark on a road trip from Chicago to Georgia to reunite with their estranged family members for Christmas.

Alexis is struggling to come to terms with the recent death of her mother, and her relationship with her father is strained due to his workaholic tendencies. Jason hopes that spending the holidays with his family will help bring them closer together and heal their fractured relationship.

Upon arriving in Georgia, they are greeted by Jason's parents, who they haven't seen in years, along with his siblings and their families. However, tensions quickly arise between Jason and his siblings, and Alexis struggles to fit in and adjust to life in the South.

As the holiday festivities unfold, secrets are revealed, forgiveness is sought, and family bonds are strengthened. Alexis finds solace in her cousin, Emily, and discovers a passion for music, which allows her to express her emotions and connect with her newfound family.

Headed South for Christmas features a talented cast, including Bret Loehr as Jason, Taylor Bedford as Alexis, and Ryan T. Boldt as Uncle Jim. The film explores themes of grief, forgiveness, and the importance of family during the holiday season.

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