Head Above Water is a 1996 comedy thriller film directed by Jim Wilson. The movie takes place on a remote island where a married couple, Judge George and Nathalie, are staying for vacation. Their only neighbor on the island is Nathalie's childhood friend Lance whom she hasn't seen in years. As George goes on a fishing trip with Lance, Nathalie spends time with her ex-boyfriend Kent.

The events take a dramatic turn when Kent, who is drunk, accidentally cuts himself on a wine glass. Nathalie tries to help him, but the situation only worsens when Kent falls and hits his head on a sharp object. Nathalie tries to hide the evidence of her involvement, but it only leads to more complications.

When George returns from his fishing trip, he finds the island in chaos. The police are investigating Kent's death, and Nathalie is behaving strangely. As the investigation continues, the truth begins to unravel, and unexpected revelations are made.

The film stars Harvey Keitel as Judge George, Cameron Diaz as Nathalie, Craig Sheffer as Lance, and Billy Zane as Kent. The movie received mixed reviews from critics, with some praising it for its dark humor and suspenseful plot, while others found it too contrived and predictable. Regardless, it remains a cult favorite among fans of the genre.

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