The movie Hayride follows a college student named Steven, who returns to his hometown for Halloween. As a child, Steven was traumatized by the local legend of a killer who preyed on young children. His family owns a popular annual Halloween attraction known as the "Haunted Hayride", but this year the attraction becomes all too real.

An escaped convict named Pitchfork takes refuge in the hayride, killing anyone who crosses his path. Steven and his friends are trapped inside the attraction, being hunted by Pitchfork. They must fight for their survival and confront their childhood fears to make it out alive.

The movie has a suspenseful atmosphere, with jump scares and chilling moments that will keep viewers on edge. The story delves into the psychological effects of childhood trauma and how it can shape a person's life. The character of Pitchfork also adds an element of mystery and intrigue, as his past and motives are slowly revealed throughout the film.

Overall, "Hayride" is a thrilling horror movie that combines suspense, psychological drama, and intense action to deliver an entertaining and chilling experience.

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