Jessi is a young woman in her late 20s who struggles with comparisonitis, a social media-induced condition where one constantly compares their life to others based on their curated online presence. Throughout the film, Jessi finds herself constantly scrolling through social media, comparing her life to those of her peers and feeling like she's falling behind. She becomes increasingly anxious and depressed as she sees pictures of her friends' luxurious vacations, exciting careers, and perfect relationships.

Despite feeling like she's stuck in a dead-end job at the local movie theater, Jessi is determined to make the most out of Christmas. She goes out of her way to decorate her apartment with festive decorations and even decides to volunteer at the local soup kitchen. However, no matter how hard she tries, Jessi is unable to shake off the feeling that she is failing in life.

Her Grandma and friends notice Jessi's unhappiness and try to help her by offering advice and support. Her Grandma tells Jessi about the importance of being grateful for what she has and not comparing herself to others. Jessi's friend encourages her to pursue her dream of becoming a writer and helps her submit an article to a local magazine.

As Christmas approaches, Jessi begins to see the good in her life. She realizes that while she may not have everything she wants, she has plenty to be thankful for. Jessi's journey to finding happiness serves as a reminder to viewers that happiness is not based on material possessions or social media likes, but rather on finding joy and contentment in the present moment.

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