Harland Manor is a horror movie that revolves around a team of paranormal investigators. The team, which comprises of four members, decides to document the haunted Harland Manor, which has been abandoned for decades. The team sets up cameras and other equipment to capture evidence of paranormal activity.

However, as they proceed with their investigation, they encounter malevolent and vengeful ghosts that still dwell within the mansion. The ghosts, who were once victims of a gruesome crime that took place in the mansion, seem to be furious at their presence. They start to haunt the team and slowly become increasingly aggressive.

The team struggles to escape the mansion as the ghosts become more powerful and violent. They soon realize that the only way to get out of the manor alive is to solve the mystery of the past that has left these spirits so enraged.

In the climax, the team discovers the truth behind the murder that had occurred in the mansion, and they manage to lay the spirits to rest. However, not everyone comes out unscathed, and the members of the team who survive the ordeal are left to deal with the trauma of their experience.

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