The movie Hard to Be a God is based on the novel with the same name by the brothers Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. The story is set on the planet Arkanar, which is in the medieval phase of its development. The planet is ruled by a violent and oppressive regime, and the local intellectuals are persecuted and executed for their ideas.

A group of scientists from Earth is sent to Arkanar to help the local civilization find the right path to progress. But they face many obstacles, including a strict non-interference policy and the fact that they cannot use violence or kill anyone. The scientists must navigate the complex political and social structures of Arkanar to achieve their goal.

The main character, Rumata, is a scientist who becomes involved in the local culture and people. He forms relationships with some of the intellectuals and tries to save them from their punishment. But he also struggles with the ethical dilemma of whether or not to intervene in the violent and oppressive regime.

The movie was directed by Aleksei German, who spent decades developing and refining the project. The film is known for its detailed and immersive production design, which creates a vivid and realistic depiction of a medieval society. Despite its challenging themes and subject matter, the film is ultimately a meditation on love and humanity's capacity for empathy and compassion.

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