Hansel and Gretel Get Baked is a horror-comedy film directed by Duane Journey and released in 2013. The movie follows the story of the titular siblings, who live in Los Angeles and are known for their love of smoking marijuana. Gretel's boyfriend, Ashton, is constantly searching for the next best strain, and when he hears about the potent and mysterious "Black Forest," he becomes obsessed with trying it.

Ashton tracks down the source of the strain to an old woman named Agnes living on the outskirts of the city. Agnes, played by Lara Flynn Boyle, is initially hospitable to Ashton, offering him some of her Black Forest weed and seeming to be a kind, if eccentric, character. However, Ashton soon realizes that all is not as it seems at Agnes's house.

Ashton disappears, and Gretel and Hansel go searching for him. They find Agnes's house and discover that she is a cannibalistic witch, cooking and eating her stoned customers in order to stay young and beautiful. Gretel and Hansel must use their wits and their love of marijuana to outsmart Agnes and save Ashton from becoming her next meal.

The film features a mix of horror, comedy, and stoner humor, as well as some social commentary on the dangers of drug use and the deceptive nature of seemingly harmless old women. The cast includes Michael Welch as Hansel, Molly Quinn as Gretel, and Reynaldo Gallegos as the villainous drug dealer, Hector.

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