In Hannibal, we see Dr. Hannibal Lecter, played by Anthony Hopkins, living in Florence, Italy, under the alias Dr. Fell. He is working as a curator at a museum and enjoys a leisurely life. However, his peace is disturbed when a former victim, Mason Verger, decides to take revenge on him. Verger, played by Gary Oldman, was left disfigured and paralyzed by Hannibal in a previous encounter.

At the same time, Clarice Starling, played by Julianne Moore, is facing her own troubles. She is demoted and shamed publicly after a botched FBI raid. Her old boss, Paul Krendler, played by Ray Liotta, is behind it all and is smugly enjoying her downfall.

Hannibal decides to return to the U.S. and offers a deal to Verger- he will capture Hannibal for him if Verger helps him get to Clarice. Hannibal is interested in Clarice and wants to reconnect with her. He sends her a letter and plants clues for her to follow.

Clarice falls into Hannibal's trap, and they meet. Hannibal tries to charm her, but she is wary of him. Meanwhile, Verger's plan to capture Hannibal fails, and he ends up in Hannibal's clutches. Hannibal feeds him to his pigs, and Verger's sister Margot (played by a young and virtually unrecognizable) Ellen Page), who was also a victim of him, takes over his fortune.

Clarice continues to pursue Hannibal, and they end up in a dramatic showdown in an Italian castle. Clarice manages to apprehend Hannibal, but he manages to escape and goes on the run. The movie ends ambiguously, with Clarice still pursuing him, but both acknowledging their connection and attraction to each other.

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