Hangar 18 is a science fiction movie released in 1980, directed by James L. Conway. The movie revolves around the accident that takes place during a space shuttle mission, where a satellite collides with an unknown flying object. The object crashes in the desert of Arizona, and a team of scientists and military personnel retrieve it for examination.

The team discovers that the object is an extraterrestrial spacecraft and inside, they find the bodies of two alien beings. The discovery is kept secret, and the craft is brought to a top-secret government facility known as Hangar 18. The incident is portrayed as sabotage caused by the astronauts Bancroff and Price, and their reputations are tarnished.

However, Bancroff and Price are determined to clear their names and expose the truth about the UFO and its occupants. They team up with a journalist and a conspiracy theorist to investigate the incident and access Hangar 18. Alongside their efforts, they are also being chased by a group of government agents who attempt to stop them at all costs.

The group eventually gains access to Hangar 18 and find evidence of a government cover-up of extraterrestrial life. They also discover that the craft has advanced technology, including a weapon that could change the course of human history. In the climactic end, they successfully expose the truth to the public and the government is forced to reveal the existence of the UFO and the extraterrestrial beings.

Overall, Hangar 18 is an entertaining movie that explores the possibility of extraterrestrial life and government conspiracies. It features an interesting plot, well-executed action sequences and a talented cast that brings the characters to life.

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