Half Baked is a stoner comedy film released in 1998 and directed by Tamra Davis. The film revolves around three close friends named Thurgood Jenkins (played by Dave Chappelle), Brian (played by Jim Breuer) and Scarface (played by Guillermo Diaz). Thurgood, who works at a local New York City bodega, is the only member of the trio with a steady job.

However, when their fourth friend, Kenny (played by Harland Williams), is arrested for accidentally killing a police horse, Thurgood, Brian, and Scarface decide to sell marijuana to raise money for Kenny's bail. The trio's inexperience and naiveté regarding drug dealing lead them to get involved with a local drug lord named Samson Simpson (played by Clarence Williams III) who likes to feed his enemies to his pet shark.

As the three friends begin to sell more weed, they gain a large following of loyal customers, including a medical marijuana patient named Mary Jane Potman (played by Rachel True). But when Samson demands they sell him a large quantity of marijuana, the trio must find a way to meet his demands without getting caught by the police.

In addition to the central plot, Half Baked features several memorable comedic scenes, including a dream sequence where the trio visits the "Magical Negro" (played by Tracy Morgan), who imparts wisdom on Thurgood. The film also features appearances from several notable comedians, including Jon Stewart, Snoop Dogg, and Bob Saget.

Overall, Half Baked is a classic stoner comedy that is beloved by fans of the genre. Its humorous and irreverent portrayal of marijuana culture and drug dealing make it a cult favorite that has stood the test of time.

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