Gymkata is a 1985 martial arts action film directed by Robert Clouse and starring Olympic gold medalist gymnast Kurt Thomas. The film is loosely based on the novel "The Termination Node" by Dan Tyler Moore. The story follows Johnathan Cabot, a gymnastics champion who is recruited by the US government to participate in a deadly competition in the fictional country of Parmistan, in order to secure a strategic site for a "star wars" defense system.

The ruler of Parmistan, Zamir (played by Tetchie Agbayani), holds the competition known as "The Game of Death" every 900 years to select a champion who must navigate a treacherous obstacle course to reach a bell at the top of a tower. The winner of the game is granted any wish they desire, and the US government wants Cabot to wish for the strategic site they need.

Cabot trains in the fighting secrets of the east while incorporating his unique gymnastics skills of the west, resulting in the creation of "Gymkata". He falls in love with a local princess named Rubali (played by Lea Reyes), who helps him navigate through the dangerous terrain. Cabot must fight off deadly opponents, including ninjas and swordsmen, to reach the top of the tower and win the game.

The film received mixed reviews upon release, but has since gained a cult following for its unusual premise and blending of gymnastics and martial arts. Gymkata has been praised for its unintentional humor, including some questionable dialogue and bizarre fight scenes. It remains a staple of 1980s action cinema and an iconic role for Kurt Thomas.

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