Guava Island is a 2019 musical film directed by Hiro Murai and written by Stephen Glover, also known as Childish Gambino, who also stars in the film alongside Rihanna. The story takes place on Guava Island, a small and remote Caribbean island where people work in a factory run by Red Cargo, an oppressive boss who demands that the workers work long hours for very little pay.

Deni Maroon, a talented musician and beloved local hero, dreams of organizing a music festival to help lift the spirits of the islanders and inspire them to fight for their rights. Despite warnings from his girlfriend, Kofi Novia, and his boss, Red Cargo, Deni persistently works to convince the islanders to attend the festival, which he planned to hold on the day of the factory's biggest production day.

As the festival draws near, tensions rise between Deni and Red Cargo, who tries to sabotage the festival in order to keep the workers focused on their work. The film reaches its climax during Deni's performance, where he delivers a powerful message to the islanders through his music and is confronted by Red Cargo's enforcers.

In the end, the film delivers a message of hope and resistance against oppression as the islanders stand up against their oppressors. The film's soundtrack, composed entirely of new songs by Childish Gambino, adds to the uplifting and inspiring mood of the movie.

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