The movie Group Sex follows the story of Andy, a successful businessman who is looking for love. After bumping into his dream girl, he follows her to a meeting, thinking it's a support group for singles. However, he quickly realizes that it's actually a support group for people recovering from sexual addiction.

Despite initial hesitancy about being in the group, Andy quickly feels a sense of belonging with his new friends including Herman, Donny, and Tiffany. Along with the group's therapist, Dr. Rosenberg, they go on a journey of self-discovery and recovery.

As Andy becomes more involved with the group, he finds that his personal and professional life begins to suffer. He struggles to balance his newfound friendships and his demanding job, causing tension with his boss and colleagues.

Throughout the movie, viewers are taken on a hilarious and heartwarming journey as the group works together to overcome their sexual addictions and build stronger, healthier relationships with themselves and others. Will Andy be able to find love while navigating his new life with the group, or will his newfound addiction get in the way? Watch Group Sex to find out.

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