Greystone Park is a found footage horror film directed by Sean Stone, son of the legendary filmmaker, Oliver Stone. The film revolves around three friends, Sean, Alexander Wraith, and Antonella Lentini, who break into an abandoned psychiatric hospital called Greystone Park to explore its rich history and possibly capture evidence of the paranormal activity rumored to exist within its walls.

As they begin to explore the sprawling and maze-like hospital, they find themselves encountering strange occurrences and unexplainable noises. The further they delve into the hospital's history, the more they uncover the horrifying treatments that were performed on the patients, including the infamous lobotomy procedure.

As the night wears on, the three friends begin to experience terrifying visions and are confronted by sinister forces that seem to be targeting them specifically. Slowly but surely, the walls between the living and the dead start to break down, and the trio is forced to confront the true horrors of Greystone Park.

The film blends found footage elements with traditional horror movie tropes, including jump scares, atmospheric tension, and unsettling imagery. While the plot is based loosely on some real events that occurred at Greystone Hospital, the filmmakers have taken considerable liberties in exploring the supernatural elements of the location.

Overall, Greystone Park is a chilling and disturbing horror movie that is sure to please fans of the genre. While it may not be a particularly original film, it is well-crafted and effectively delivers its scares through a combination of unsettling imagery and expertly executed jump scares.

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