The movie is based on the classic novel "Tarzan of the Apes" written by Edgar Rice Burroughs. The film follows the life of John Clayton, the heir to the Earl of Greystoke, who is orphaned in the wilds of Africa after his parents' tragic death. He is later adopted by a group of apes who become his family and he grows up learning their ways and language.

When he is discovered by Captain Phillippe D'Arnot, John Clayton is initially reluctant to leave his ape family and the only life he has ever known. But D'Arnot slowly introduces him to civilization and helps him reclaim his birthright as the Earl of Greystoke. He is renamed Tarzan and introduced to high society, where he meets Jane Porter, a young American who becomes his love interest.

As Tarzan adapts to his new life, he is also forced to confront the harsh realities of colonialism and the exploitation of Africa. He becomes a protector of the land and its people, standing up against those who seek to exploit and destroy it for their own gain.

The film features stunning vistas of Africa and impressive performances by Christopher Lambert as Tarzan, Andie MacDowell as Jane, and Ralph Richardson as the family's loyal servant. It was a critical and commercial success and is regarded as one of the best adaptations of Burroughs' novel.

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