Green Street Hooligans 2 is a 2009 British-American film directed by Jesse V. Johnson, and is the sequel to the 2005 film Green Street. The film begins with the imprisonment of the top players of the Green Street Elite following a deadly battle with their archenemies Millwall. The story revolves around the daily struggles and fights for survival of the imprisoned players, who are faced with extreme brutality and violence from rival firms and prison guards alike. With no other option, the lads band together to protect themselves and fight for their survival.

The film features a star-studded cast including Ross McCall, Graham McTavish, Luke Massy, and Marina Sirtis. The film has received mixed reviews from audiences and critics alike, with some praising its portrayal of the harsh realities of prison life and the brutal world of football hooliganism, while others criticize its heavy reliance on violence and lack of character development. Despite this, Green Street Hooligans 2 remains a cult favorite among fans of the original film and the sub-genre of football hooligan movies.

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