Green Snake is a 1993 Chinese fantasy film directed by Tsui Hark. The story is based on a traditional Chinese legend about two snake sisters who take human form to find love and explore the human world.

The story follows the green snake, played by Maggie Cheung, who falls in love with a young man named Xu Xian, played by Joey Wong. Meanwhile, her older sister, the white snake, played by Joey Wong, is also exploring the human world and falls in love with a Buddhist monk named Fa Hai, played by Vincent Zhao.

However, the green snake's mischievous nature and desire for fun leads her to create chaos in the human world and interfere with the romance between her sister and Fa Hai. She uses her magic powers to play pranks on humans and even deceive Xu Xian into believing that she is actually a woman named Susu.

As the story unfolds, the tensions between the sisters and their lovers escalate, leading to a dramatic showdown between the green and white snakes, as well as a battle between Fa Hai and his fellow monks against the two snakes.

Green Snake features stunning visual effects, extravagant set designs, and breathtaking martial arts sequences. The film also explores themes of love, family, and the conflict between human desires and the natural world.

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