As the story unfolds, we see how the 5-year-old boy adjusts to his new life in the small town of Taiwan. He misses his parents but finds solace in spending time with his grandma. She takes him to her small vendor stall every day, where he helps her sell her goods.

One day, while playing hide-and-seek, the boy discovers an old box hidden in the attic. Curiosity getting the better of him, he opens the box and unintentionally releases several ferocious ghosts. These ghosts were trapped in the box by his grandma, who is an expert at catching spectres.

As the ghosts start wreaking havoc in the small town, the boy's grandma realizes what has happened and sets out to recapture the ghosts. With her knowledge and experience, she is able to catch most of the ghosts, but there is one that proves to be challenging.

The 5-year-old boy is determined to help his grandma capture the remaining ghost and pledges to assist her in every way he can. Together, they embark on a perilous journey to capture the ghost and save the small town from destruction.

In the end, the boy learns the importance of family, friendship, and the supernatural. He realizes that his grandma is not just an ordinary vendor but a superhero who can capture ghosts and protect her town from all kinds of evil.

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