In the movie Gossip, the story revolves around three friends, Derrick (James Marsden), Catherine (Lena Headey), and Travis (Norman Reedus), who attend a prestigious college in New York City. They are all in their final year and are enjoying their time in college, but things take an ugly turn when a rumor starts to circulate around campus about a sexual encounter that took place between two of their classmates, Naomi (Kate Hudson) and Beau (Joshua Jackson).

The rumor spreads like wildfire, and soon everyone on campus is talking about it. Naomi is devastated by the rumor and is further humiliated when the college newspaper publishes an article about the incident. Beau denies that anything happened between them, but the damage has been done, and the rumor continues to spread.

As the gossip about Naomi and Beau begins to spiral out of control, the three friends find themselves caught up in the drama. Derrick, who is Naomi's boyfriend, is determined to find out who started the rumor, while Catherine, who is a journalist, sees the story as an opportunity to launch her career. Meanwhile, Travis becomes increasingly disturbed by the way the rumor has taken over their lives, and he decides to take matters into his own hands.

As the situation escalates, the friends find themselves in a dangerous and unpredictable situation. The gossip has offended numerous people, and they will stop at nothing to make sure that the truth is revealed. Through twists and turns, the movie explores how far people will go to protect their reputations and how damaging rumors can be.

Overall, Gossip is a tense and thrilling movie that delves into the dark side of college life. It highlights the power of gossip and the way it can destroy lives, even in the most seemingly idyllic environments.

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