Good Morning

Comedy,Family,Drama  Japan 

The story follows two young brothers, Isamu and Minoru, who decide to go on a "silent strike" by refusing to speak to anyone until their parents buy them a television set. As their protest continues, it causes comical misunderstandings and tensions within their family and the community.

Their parents, who are initially confused and frustrated by their sons' silent treatment, eventually try to mend the situation by encouraging them to speak again. The boys, however, remain adamant in their demand, leading to fascinating interactions and revelations between family members.

Meanwhile, the film also explores the daily lives and relationships of the neighbors in the suburban community, offering a humorous and insightful look at the dynamics of Japanese society in the 1950s. Through Ozu's signature style of subtle humor and poignant moments, Good Morning captures the essence of family dynamics, communication, and societal expectations in a changing postwar Japan.

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