Good Favour is a slow-burning drama that explores the themes of faith, community, and human nature. Set in a remote Irish village, the film follows a family of devout Catholics who take in a teenage stranger named Tom, who mysteriously appears in their midst after wandering through the wilderness.

At first, the family is hesitant to trust Tom, but they eventually come to welcome him into their home and community. However, as Tom gradually reveals his motives and his seemingly supernatural abilities, the family becomes increasingly uneasy and suspicious of him.

Through expertly crafted cinematography and understated performances, Good Favour creates a haunting atmosphere that keeps the viewer on edge throughout the film. The slow-burning tension builds to a climax that is both shocking and emotionally resonant, challenging the audience's preconceptions about faith, morality, and the nature of human connections.

Overall, Good Favour is a powerful and thought-provoking film that explores deep existential questions and leaves a lasting impression on its audience.

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