God's Creatures is a drama film directed by Rodd Rathjen and released in 2019. The story is set in a remote fishing village in Australia, where Pearl (played by Kate Box) lives with her husband, Sonny (played by Anthony LaPaglia), and their teenage son, Robby (played by Markella Kavenagh). Robby has learning difficulties and is bullied at school, but he finds solace in caring for injured animals he finds on the beach.

One day, Robby discovers a wounded goanna, and decides to bring it home to nurse it back to health. However, when Sonny finds out, he forbids Robby from keeping the goanna. Robby is devastated, but Pearl decides to help her son and tells him to keep the goanna in secret.

The lie causes tension in Pearl and Sonny's relationship, but things escalate when the goanna escapes and causes havoc in the village. Sonny becomes furious and demands that Robby be punished, but Pearl protects her son and tells another lie to cover up the truth.

As the village becomes divided over the incident, Pearl is torn between her love for her son and her sense of right and wrong. Her decision has far-reaching consequences that threaten to rip apart her family and community.

God's Creatures is a powerful and moving drama that showcases the complex dynamics of family and community in a small, isolated town. It explores themes of love, loyalty, and the consequences of our actions, and is anchored by strong performances from its cast.

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