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The Cannibal's Curse: Haunted by Loved Ones

Horror  Brazil 

Chapter 1:
The film opens by delving into the childhood and upbringing of the main character, Alejandro. It portrays his father, Diego, as a hardened and desperate man who, during a devastating drought, turns to cannibalism out of necessity to feed his family. This decision haunts him throughout his life, as he sees the ghosts of the animals and people he consumed, driving him into madness. Alejandro witnesses his father's descent into darkness and becomes scarred by his family's cannibalistic past.

Chapter 2:
The focus shifts to Alejandro's mother, Isabella, a deeply religious woman with eccentric and twisted beliefs. She practices a strange form of worship, using sacrificial rituals and manipulating Alejandro into believing that he is a vessel of evil and must atone for his family's sins. Isabella's extreme religiousness exacerbates Alejandro's mental and emotional anguish, pushing him further into the depths of madness. The film explores the psychological torment inflicted upon Alejandro by his mother's twisted faith.

Chapter 3:
The final chapter delves into Alejandro's adult life and his ultimate catharsis after years of suffering. Consumed by his traumatic childhood experiences, Alejandro kidnaps his first love, Rosalita, a symbol of innocence and purity in his eyes. He aims to recreate the inhuman and bizarre caring he experienced within his own family, subjecting Rosalita to emotional and psychological abuse. This twisted act serves as Alejandro's attempt to understand his own past and confront the demons that have haunted him throughout his life.

As the film progresses, it becomes an exploration of the cycle of abuse, inherited trauma, and the deeply rooted effects it can have on an individual's psyche. "Cabrito" paints a dark and disturbing picture of a man grappling with his family's dark legacy and the lengths he goes to try and find redemption or release from his haunted past.

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