The animated movie "Go! Go! Cory Carson: Chrissy Takes the Wheel" follows the adventures of Chrissy, the younger sister of a self-driving car named Cory Carson. The movie is set in Bumperton Hills, a town where all the residents are cars. Chrissy is a curious and energetic car who loves to explore new things.

In the movie, Chrissy's curiosity gets the best of her, and she takes off for her own adventures around Bumperton Hills. She gets into all kinds of fun and exciting activities, from playing arcade games to going on a sled ride with her friends, Benny and Halle. Chrissy's mischievous nature also leads her into some trouble, such as accidentally starting a game of tag inside the library.

Throughout the movie, Chrissy's older brother Cory is always looking out for her. He provides guidance, support, and laughs as she navigates the world on her own. Together, they also come up with a creative solution to cure Chrissy's persistent hiccups.

"Go! Go! Cory Carson: Chrissy Takes the Wheel" is a fun and entertaining movie for kids and families. It teaches the importance of curiosity, exploration, and friendship. The animation and colorful visuals are sure to captivate young audiences and keep them engaged until the end.

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