The movie follows the story of Eve and Raymond Goode, a wealthy couple who lost their son David a year ago. Eve, struggling with her grief, decides to adopt Ethan and Abby Snow, two siblings who lost their parents in a car accident.

Abby, initially resistant to the idea of being adopted, slowly adapts to her new life in the Goode mansion. However, she senses that something is off about Eve, who seems to have an unusual attachment to her and her brother.

Things go from bad to worse when Ethan falls ill and Eve's behavior becomes increasingly erratic and threatening. Abby starts to investigate and discovers that Eve has been manipulating and controlling the Goode family for years.

Desperate to save herself and her brother, Abby turns to Detective Ben Koch, a family friend who investigates Eve's past and uncovers her dark secrets. With the help of Ben, Abby tries to escape the Glass House and expose Eve's true nature before it's too late.

Glass House: The Good Mother is a thrilling suspense movie that explores the depths of grief and the consequences of unchecked obsession and control.

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